Review: SmartCards+ app

Hello everyone!
It has been a long time since I last updated my blog! sorry about thatπŸ˜“

But I am back with a new post^^
And in this post I will tell you my opinion about an app I tried called SmartCards+

It is an app that helps you memorize vocabularies and words in an efficient way.
I tried it and it really does. I found it really helpful!πŸ˜ƒ

So basically, it allows you to create your own flashcards and use them to memorize new words.
You write the word in your native language and the language that you are learning. You can also add an audio clip of the pronunciation of the word if you want. You can also add images to give you hints of the meaning of the word.
For me, I just wrote the words in English, and their meanings in the languages that I am learning.

You can actually use it to learn about pretty much anything, really! not only languages.

Based on an algorithm they use, the app notifies you that it is time to review the cards that you created. The app reminds you of the words in a manner that helps the word to get engraved in your memory.

I don't know much about this algorithm to be honest, but it helped me a lot!πŸ˜ƒ

I could memorize 104 words in a span of 3 weeks. Meaning 4 words per day, which I think is great! Of course if you make more effort, I think you can memorize much more words.

I think the most boring thing when it comes to learning a new language, is memorizing vocabularies.
So by using an app like this, things can be much easier and less boring!^^

Here is one of the methods that I followed before to help me memorize new words.

You pick a topic and write all the vocabularies related to this topic in a piece of paper (for example, the topic is 'food'. Write the names of food items in a piece of paper) and hang it somewhere visible to you. So every time you see the list, you read the words, and over time you memorize them. for example, you can write all of the vocabularies you use in the kitchen (the names of kitchen utensils, and tools) and every time you step into the kitchen you try to say the names of the things you see in your kitchen.

I tried this method, but to be honest, It didn't work for me.

I am always in a hurry and too busy to be saying the names of all the things around me.
And I find it a little bit boring to stand in front of a long list of words and try to go through them all. It just didn't work for me.

 Here is how I use the SmartCards+ app:
  1.  I pick a topic that I am interested in and try to find articles about it on the web. 
  2. I read the article and highlight the new words.
  3. I translate the new words and read example sentences.
  4. I then, create flashcards using SmartCards+ app. 
Then the SmartCards+ app reminds me after a period of time that It is time to review the new words. I review them using the flashcards that I created on SmartCards+ earlier. It is very convenient! because I can have the list of the new words with me in my pocket wherever I go. 

I think you should give it a try!
I am sure it will make memorizing words and their meanings less boring and easier for you just as it did for me!πŸ˜ƒ

This is not sponsored at all! I wish it was!😞I would make money out of it!lol! But no, it is not!
I was sent the app to try it and then write about it on my blog.
And to be honest and fair I actually personally liked it!
The only thing is that, it is not available for Android devices, unfortunately, because I think Android devices are widely used!

If you  are an iphone user, I really recommend trying it out!
It is free, but it contains in-app purchase.
You can download it from here

If you have tried it or have tried a similar app, please let me know your opinion in the comments section.
If you have any recommendations of a similar app for Android devices, let me know down below^^

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that I could help if just a little⭐

Thank you so much and see you soon~♡


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