Japanese: how to say: 'I think ...'

Hello everyone!πŸ˜ƒ

In this post I will share with you how to say: 'I think...' in Japanese.😊

It is easy^^

I think it is cute!😻

If you have been studying Japanese for a while, I am pretty sure you know the Japanese word for 'cute'😊 It is ε―愛い (かわいい ka wa i i ).

可愛い is an adjective.
Now, we have 2 types of adjectives in Japanese:

  1. (i) adjectives.
  2. (na) adjectives.
i-adjectives usually end with い (i). Examples of (i) adjectives are: 
  • 可愛い かわいい (ka wa i i) = cute; lovely; adorable.
  • ηΎŽε‘³γ—γ„ γŠγ„γ—γ„ (o i shi i) = delicious.
  • 青白い γŠγ‚‚γ—γ‚γ„ (o mo shi ro i) = interesting; funny.
  • 寒い さむい (sa mu i) = cold.
  • ζš‘γ„ あ぀い (a tsu i) = hot. 
Notice how they all end with an い (i). 

Examples of na-adjectives: 

  • ηΆΊιΊ— γγ‚Œγ„ (ki re i) = beautiful; clean.
  • 簑単 γ‹γ‚“γŸγ‚“ (ka n ta n) = easy. 
  • θ¦ͺεˆ‡ しんせ぀ (shi n se tsu) = kind. 
You are probably confused now, right? thinking, 'why is ηΆΊιΊ— γγ‚Œγ„ (ki re i), classified as a na-adjective while it ends with an (i)?' 

I was confused too but, I thought of it as an exception. So, although ηΆΊιΊ— γγ‚Œγ„ (ki re i) ends with an (i), it is a na-adjective. 

We call i-adjectives, " i-adjectives" because they end with (i). 
And we call na-adjectives, "na-adjectives" because we have to add (na) to the adjective to describe a noun with it. So if you want to say: a cute car, you would just say: γ‹γ‚γ„γ„θ»Š (kawaii kuruma) - kuruma means car- but if you want to say a beautiful car, you will add a 'na' after the adjective and say: γγ‚Œγ„γͺ車 (kirei na kuruma). Makes sense?! ^^

Now, back to the main topic. How to say 'I think it is cute' ?

What is the word for cute in Japanese? 
That's right! 可愛い - かわいい (ka wa i i). 

It is an i-adjective. 

the verb to think is: ζ€γ„ます - γŠγ‚‚γ„γΎγ™(o mo i ma su). 

I think it is cute! is:
KANJI: 可愛いと思います
HIRAGANA: γ‹γ‚γ„γ„γ¨γŠγ‚‚γ„γΎγ™
ROMAJI: kawaii to omoimasu.
So basically, you just add と思います (to omoimasu) after the adjective. 

Another example:

I think it is easy!
easy is 簑単 γ‹γ‚“γŸγ‚“ (ka n ta n). This is a na-adjective. 
There is a little difference here! See the Japanese translation and see if you can spot the difference in formation. 

 I think it is easy! is:
KANJI: η°‘ε˜γ γ¨ζ€γ„γΎγ™。
HIRAGANA: γ‹γ‚“γŸγ‚“γ γ¨γŠγ‚‚γ„γΎγ™。
ROMAJI: kantan da to omoimasu. 

With na-adjectives, we add (だ da)  after the adjective. The reason is simply because it is a na-adjective. 

So, basically you just add と思います - γ¨γŠγ‚‚γ„γΎγ™ (to omoimasu), after i-adjectives,
and だと思います - γ γ¨γŠγ‚‚γ„γΎγ™ (da to omoimasu) after na-adjectives.

Easy, isn't it? πŸ˜„

i-adjective    + to omoimasu.
na-adjective + da to omoimasu. 

Now try making your own sentences and post them as a comment here!

I hope this was helpful!
Thanks for reading and see you soon!♡


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